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Conferenza: V Seminario Scozzese sulla Filosofia Moderna

Written by Foglio Spinoziano on . Posted in blog

University of Aberdeen, Scotland
14-15 May 2014
Sir Duncan Rice Library, Meeting Room 1 (room 706)

Key Note Speakers:
Susan James (Birkbeck / Princeton)
John Sellars (Birkbeck / Oxford)

Beth Lord (University of Aberdeen)
Mogens Lærke (University of Aberdeen / CNRS, UMR 5037, ENS-Lyon)

Wednesday, 14 May
9:15-9:30 – Coffee and Welcome
9:30-10:15 – Olivia Bailey (Harvard University): Empathy, Care, and Understanding in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments
10:15-11:00 – Thomas D. Micklich and Roman Alexander Barton (Humboldt University, Berlin): Transformations of Sympathy: Shaftesbury and Adam Smith between Ancients and Moderns
11:00-11:15 – Break
11:15-12:15 – BSHP essay prize winner: J. D. Taylor (University of Roehampton): Collective Bodies, Collective Minds: Reason, Security and Power in Spinoza’s Tractatus Politicus
12:15-14:00 – Lunch Break
14:00-15:00 – Key Note: Susan James (Birkbeck College / Princeton University): Spinoza on Political and Individual Freedom
15:00-15:30 – Break
15:30-16:15 – Arnaud Milanese (ENS-Lyon): Bacon’s Uses of the History of Philosophy
16:15-17:00 – Rodolfo Garau (University of Torino / Max Planck institute for the History of Science, Berlin): The Sources and Strategies of Hobbes’s Mechanical Doctrine of Self-Preservation
20:00 – Conference Dinner (Covered by the SSEMP, speakers and chairs only)

Thursday, 15 May
9:15-9:30 – Coffee
9:30-10:15 – Noa Naaman-Zauderer (Tel Aviv University): Self-Experience and the Imago Dei in Descartes and Spinoza
10:15-11:00 – Gregor Kroupa (University of Ljubljana): Truth Through Fiction: History Written by Philosophers
11:00-11:15 – Break
11:15-12:00 – Donald Ainslie (University of Toronto): Hume’s Essential Fictions
12:00-14:00 – Lunch Break
14:00-15:00 – Key Note: John Sellars (Birkbeck / Oxford): Shaftesbury, Stoicism, and Philosophy as a Way of Life
15:00-15:30 – Break
15:30-16:15 – Nausicaa Elena Milani (University of Parma): Cartesianism and Anticartesianism in the Régis-Huet Debate
16:15-17:00 – Balint Kekedi (University of Aberdeen): The Role of Animal Passions in the Cognitive Economy of Humans and Higher Animals in Descartes
19:00 – Indian Buffet at MANZIL (not covered by the SSEMP, £15 excluding drinks)

The conference will take place in the new Sir Duncan Rice Library on the main campus of the University of Aberdeen. For a campus map, see: The conference room is at the Top Floor.
NB: Please note that all conference attendees must get a badge at the help desk of Library in order to enter the building. We will, before the conference, communicate a list of attendees to the library personnel. Anyone wishing to attend the event must figure on that list.

We look forward to seeing you all in Scotland for this fifth edition of the SSEMP. If you experience problems onsite, you can contact Dr. Beth Lord on 01224 272367 (office) and 07976170972 (mobile). If you have any enquiries or requests concerning the SSEMP V, please contact Mogens Lærke on or Beth Lord on

The event is sponsored by:
The Scots Philosophical Association
The School of Divinity, History and Philosophy (University of Aberdeen)
ANR Anthopos (ENS-Lyon)
Brill Academic Publishers

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